Re: Unit Tests switched to ant

From: Andrus Adamchik (
Date: Fri Nov 08 2002 - 23:03:13 EST

  • Next message: Andrus: "Re: Unit Tests switched to ant"


    I got caught by this too. "ant clean" should fix it. Now test cases are
    discovered using a pattern "**/*Tst.class", and in the past there was an
    inner class ending with Tst (that wasn't a test case). It needs to be
    cleaned from the prebuilt classes.

    Also note that report is only generated when there are errors. On success I
    skip this step since it is time consuming.


    > BTW, am I missing something, or is that wee message on the front page of
    > the report misleading:
    > "Note: failures are anticipated and checked for with assertions while
    > errors are unanticipated".

    This is just a template for the report coming with JUnit task. Basically it
    is a cludgy way to say that "failures are something that failed an explicit
    'assertion'", so in a way we expected them, even though they normally
    shouldn't happen. For all practical reasons they are like errors.


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