Re: Test run output

From: Andrus Adamchik (
Date: Wed Nov 13 2002 - 18:57:49 EST

  • Next message: Craig Miskell: "Re: Test run output"

    Craig Miskell writes:

    > Hi,
    > Would anyone mind if I made the output of the ant-run tests be put in
    > build/tests/out/<connectionname>/, and
    > build/tests/report/<connectionname>/
    > It works better if you're running multiple connection tests one after
    > the other in an automated scenario, otherwise if more than one fails the
    > output of the last will overwrite earlier ones.
    > Craig

    That would actually be cool.

    I think we may also modify the perl script I have for the nightly builds to
    take multiple connection tokens and rung against multiple databases.

    Another idea is to run a compiled version against 2 versions of JDK - 1.3 &


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