Re: Insert order of DBEntities

From: Andrus (
Date: Mon Nov 18 2002 - 21:39:23 EST

  • Next message: Andrus: "ClassName checking"

    Agreed, this algorithm is a hack. And your description of the problem is
    very accurate. I guess I haven't paid much attention to it so far, since on
    Oracle inserts seem to work in any order as long as all the objects are in
    the same transaction (or was it just a coincidence?). And the only database
    that was ever giving me problems and needed correct ordering was Sybase.

    But I would definitely like this to be fixed. I was just postponing this
    till it got forgotten :-).


    At 03:32 PM 11/19/2002 +1300, Craig Miskell wrote:
    >I'm off to figure out the true algorithm (it's going to include
    >partitioning the entities into separate disconnected graphs for a
    >start), but just wanted to give a heads up in case any of you:
    >a) notice this issue in the meantime
    >b) have any good ideas as to the algorithm to use (especially any graph
    >theory things I should be aware of)
    >I'll post the algorithm once I've figured it out, just to get some other
    >eyes to pass over it in pseudo-code form.

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