Protection against NPEs/catching illegal arguments ASAP

From: Holger Hoffstätte (
Date: Thu Dec 05 2002 - 08:04:24 EST

  • Next message: Andrus Adamchik: "Re: Protection against NPEs/catching illegal arguments ASAP"


    Catching illegal arguments and especially potential NPEs as early as
    possible is IMHO a Good Thing - don't let errors dribble down the layers
    until the bottom drops out somehwere else. Easiest & IMHO most obvious
    place to do at least some form of checking would be the setters, and have
    them throw an IllegalArgumentException("foo must not be null"), or
    whatever is appropriate. Classes without public accessors could have them
    protected/private I usually start with private and 'open up' as required).

    I've been looking at jlint's (admittedly extremely picky) reports some
    more and instead of randomly fixing potential NPEs with if-thens I'd like
    to have a more systematic approach that satisfies all and leads to an
    overall improvement by defect prevention. This should also improve bug
    reports & logging with more meaningful traces.

    Other thoughts or ideas?


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