Delete rules - reverting

From: Craig Miskell (
Date: Thu Jan 02 2003 - 01:45:34 EST

  • Next message: Dirk Olmes: "Re: mysql rant"

            Looks like I'm gonna have to back out my changes (or rather,
    comment out the critical bits that are fouling things up). Gonna take a
    wee bit to sort this mess out.

    For the interested, it's a reflexive relationship defined as Nullify
    (common with nested groups.. deleting a parent group commonly nullifies
    the parentGroup relationship in the subgroup). Because the nullify occurs
    when deleteObject is called, when commitChanges happens and we try to
    order the Delete operations to satisfy integrity constraints, the
    information we need to correctly do so is gone (the relationships have
    been nullified). Unfortunately, at first glance there's no easy way
    around it. There will, as always, be a solution, but not one I can come
    up with quick enough for comfort.

    Oh well, back to the drawing board.


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