Confused about OperationSorter

From: Holger Hoffstätte (
Date: Sat Jan 04 2003 - 20:42:43 EST

  • Next message: Andrus: "[ANN] Alpha 5-1 is out"

    I just upgraded to eclipse 2.1 M4 and now it (correctly) warns me about
    lots of "references to static elements/methods in a non-static way", which
    works but is a terrible source of bugs (like aThread.sleep() does NOT put
    the receiving instance to sleep but rather the current thread). Some
    warnings revolved around OperationSorter, so I looked at that and found
    many static methods that were invoked like they were supposed to be
    instance methods and vice versa, too. Since
    dataNode.getAdapter().getOpSorter() returns an instance or null I think
    these static methods should be made proper instance methods. This should
    not impact any applications.
    Might be god to clean this up asap, no?


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