AND/OR expression changes

From: Andrus (
Date: Sun Jan 19 2003 - 16:53:37 EST

  • Next message: Craig Miskell: "Re: AND/OR expression changes"


    I am looking at the way to implement "parametrized" expressions. Kind of
    like in EOF or TopLink, parametrized expressions are expressions that have
    placeholders instead of real values. Later such expressions can be used as
    a prototype for the real expression, substituting placeholders with a map
    of values.

    One thing that was giving me grief when implementing that, was pruning
    uninitialized subtrees from the final expression. I am still working on
    this, none of the code is checked in.

    Current Changes:

    AND and OR expressions were implemented as binary expressions which is
    formally correct but made the feature above hard to implement. Also
    "binary" implementation generated ugly SQL with lots of nested parenthesis:

    ...WHERE ((((t0.ARTIST_NAME = ?))) OR (t0.ARTIST_NAME = ?))) OR
    (t0.ARTIST_NAME = ?)) OR (t0.ARTIST_NAME = ?)

    I created a new type of expressions, ListExpressions, that have an
    unspecified number of parameters, each joined with its neighbor using the
    operation specified as expression's type. AND and OR became
    ListExpressions. SQL generated is much nicer now:

    ...WHERE (t0.ARTIST_NAME = ?) OR (t0.ARTIST_NAME = ?) OR (t0.ARTIST_NAME =
    ?) OR (t0.ARTIST_NAME = ?)

    And also I think I can create a simple algorithm for pruning subtrees for
    the case described above ("prune everything up to the first ListExpression
    parent in the tree).

    Application code should work as before, unless somebody was explicitly
    using ExpressionFactory.binaryExp() for AND/OR (I hope noone did, and used
    "matchAll", "matchAny", "joinExp" instead). In this case an exception is
    thrown prompting the user to upgrade to ListExpression.

    I wonder if instead we should internally create a list expression, and just
    print a big warning, but do not throw an exception?


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