Re: Event handling progress

From: Andrus (
Date: Wed Jan 22 2003 - 00:29:08 EST

  • Next message: Holger Hoffstätte: "Re: Event handling progress"


    I included your test case in Cayenne under the name DataContextEventsTst.
    Indeed MySQL fails miserably on attempts to save a null value in a NOT NULL
    column. Guess what happens? It quietly saves an empty string ("") instead
    of NULL. Can you imagine that!!!

    As expected, Sybase and Oracle correctly rollback failed transaction.

    But I discovered more issues with EventHandling:

    1. [Fixed] Sometimes CommitObserver would not unregister as listener.
    Dangling Observer will generate an exception below on subsequent runs with
    a totally different DataContext (I don't know why, but after I put
    "unregister..." in "finally" the exception stopped):

    at java.util.HashMap$HashIterator.nextEntry(
    at java.util.HashMap$
    at org.objectstyle.cayenne.event.EventManager.postEvent(

    2. [Fixed] CommitObserver would react on events generated by all other
    DataContexts. This doesn't make sense, so I added a check in notification
    methods, so that all but the right DataContext will be ignored.

    3. [Unfixed] I don't remember if we discussed this before, but EventHandler
    (or rather its internal collections) is totally unsynchronized. This really
    needs to be addressed, since potentially it is the meeting point for all
    the threads in the application. (I really started paying attention to
    concurrency issues after working for 6 month with SMS messaging systems :-))

    Another consideration. I changed DataContext events default to "off". I am
    open for discussion on that and I didn't mean to mess up other's code. My
    reasoning is the following:

    - by default CayenneDataObjects do not implement
    DataObjectTransactionEventListener, so in almost all cases notifications
    will not perform any actual work, but will still be generated.

    - if a Cayenne based framework decides to implement a common DataObject
    superclass, it will be easy to turn it on for all classes by overriding

    I suggest a User Guide chapter on event handling in Cayenne where we can
    describe all these things in greater detail.


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