testing app

From: Andriy Shapochka (ashapochk..otmail.com)
Date: Mon Jan 27 2003 - 09:32:03 EST

  • Next message: Andrus Adamchik: "Re: New committer proposal: Andriy Shapochka"

    Thanks everybody for +1's on my inclusion.

    Here is a brief description of my testing app (number 3 in Andrei's list):

    3) Created the functional Oracle-oriented prototype of the Cayenne testing app
    dwelling in the package org.objectstyle.cayenne.test. Its purpose is to
    automatically generate a set of random database schemas and quality of the
    Cayenne's commit against them. A short description of the steps follows:

      1. A random Oracle schema is generated. Table count, max. count of foreign
      keys a table can have, max count of the tables referencing a table, seed of
      the randomizer, Oracle database connection, and name of the schema are configured
      2. A data map is created for the schema generated and attached to the data node
      representing the database connection.

      3. The data domain having been configured by steps 1. 2., a robot randomly
      creates and registers data objects for the data map in the data context.
      It also establishes relationships among them accordingly to the meta data
      in the data map.
      (Note: delete/update functionality has recently been added)
      4. The modified context is committed to the database.
    Principles a schema is built on:
      1. Schema's name must be the name of the default connected user's schema.
      2. Preferably it should be empty in order for newly generated tables and
      sequences not to interfere with the existing ones.
      3. All the tables created have primary keys either autogenerated (for
      such tables sequences are created) or dependent. Most of the tables
      have enabled 'NOT NULL' foreign keys. Thus columns of the tables can be
      primary keys, foreign keys, or both in the case of dependent tables
      (like many-to-many tables-relations, and such) of the type INTEGER.
      All of them are 'NOT NULL' and do not have default values.
      4. The graph of the referential relations is always acyclic.
      5. The produced schema is usually quite complex in the sense of referential
      integrity and complies with the principles of the theory of relational
    To start the app one must execute a command line like:
    java org.objectstyle.cayenne.test.Main path_to_config_file
    The config file contains parameters to tune the app. For the details
    see doc/test/schema-test.config. If the command line argument is
    omitted the app tries to find "./schema-test.config".
    Several schemas can be created and several commits can be performed
    per schema during one run of the app. Quite descriptive information along
    with the create and drop scripts and the data map are stored as files.
    The important info is outputted to the console as well, so regularly it is
    advised to run java instead of javaw. Also, it is advised to
    tune the memory heap of the JVM like java -Xms150m -Xmx150m in case one would
    like to run intensive tests with lots of tables and data objects.

    Several hundreds of random schemas of 10, 25, 30, 50, and 100 tables were tested
    by the app on Oracle 9.2. All the tests succeeded working with the new commit.
    The old commit failed on the same tests. At the same time Cayenne turned out
    very stable and easily runtime reconfigurable and did not show any notable
    memory or database resource (like open cursors) leakages even when it was
    created 100 schemas, 50 tables per schema, 30 data objects per table, 20 commits
    per schema. Moreover the garbage collector could very effectively clean the
    memory from the stale data, which was monitored very attentively.

    Another note - the robot might evolve into a fully functional automatic testing
    tool for existing schemas to measure and qualify how well a given schema and
    data map work on various sorts of data manipulation in the extensively loaded
    environments. Such a tool would be precious in the cases when multi-user web or
    intranet application performance must be tested as it is known too many
    serious and hardly identified bottle-necks occur in the communication of
    an app and database server.

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