Opinion on using DO class as entity id!?

From: Andriy Shapochka (ashapochk..otmail.com)
Date: Thu Jan 30 2003 - 09:11:37 EST

  • Next message: Andrus Adamchik: "Re: Opinion on using DO class as entity id!?"

    It is probably too late to say this, but in my opinion introducing DataObject classes as new ObjEntity identifiers instead of ObjEntity names in EntityResolver negatively affected Cayenne flexibility and usability. Before this replacement it had been possible to create ObjEntities at the runtime backing them up with CayenneDataObject as an actual data object class. Its implementation allows this, of course. And as a matter of fact it is the most significant quality of map based implementations to be runtime configurable.
    In particular my regression application relied on this default implementation, schemas being generated randomly with changing DbEntities and ObjEntities at the runtime. In this case I will have to generate and compile Java classes for each test automatically, which is a little bit ugly but, at least, acceptable in a test environment. But think now - very often one has no such a luxury like in EJB containers and such. Also, any possibility of decent usage of dynamic proxies for DataObject implementations is eliminated now.

    If I am making a mistake and there is some back door left one can gain access to these features through would anybody please give a hint how to define the same data object class for several different ObjEntities in a data map.
    Thanks a lot.


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