Further deprecation / arrays vs. List

From: Holger Hoffstätte (holge..izards.de)
Date: Mon Feb 03 2003 - 07:06:57 EST

  • Next message: Andriy Shapochka: "Flattened Relationships revisited"

    Maybe some more candidates for..eprecation:

    DataDomain.DataNode[] getDataNodes()
    DataNode.DataMap[] getDataMaps()
    DataMap has several methods with arays vs. lists

    There's lots of pretty hairy List-vs.-array handling all over the place,
    might as well clean it up now..no? Most of these methods are used in one
    or two places and none are in any way performance-critical (which is
    mostly a moot point in Java anyway). getDataMaps() already mentions
    something like this. Using arrays also prevents better use of
    commons-collections Predicate/Closure/Transformer which are sparely used
    in one or two places but could be a much bigger code-saver. Maybe for 1.1
    'the big cleanup' release? I know from other projects that I'm just sick
    and tired of producing, reading or debugging the same dumb loops over and
    over again. Many stateless predicates or closures can be implemented as
    singletons, markably reducing the chances for duplicate logic and/or code.


    PS: on a lighter note..any self-respecting project needs code names for
    releases - suggestions? and why is Cayenne called Cayenne anyway?
    inquiring chili heads want to know :)

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