hsqldb vs. JdbcAdapter

From: Holger Hoffstätte (holge..izards.de)
Date: Mon Feb 10 2003 - 14:25:48 EST

  • Next message: Holger Hoffstätte: "Re: hsqldb vs. JdbcAdapter"

    I just checked in my first and still very rudimentary version of an hsqldb
    adaptor. It still fails in many tests, but is a good start and already
    gets table creation/deletion right - which is not so trivial with all the
    constraints, but OperationSorter to the rescue and off we go! No
    DEFERRABLE available here so this is really good to have.
    The most time I spent figuring out how I best get the ADD CONSTRAINT
    clause into the middle of the SQL string; hsqldb requires this. Current
    version has a cut'n paste copy of the createFkConstraint() method with one
    change in it: it uses a new method getConstraintNameForRelationship(). If
    we could pull this up into the superclass and have it return null as
    default I could just delete the pasted version of createFkConstraint()
    from HSQLDBAdapter. Sounds reasonable?

    Another question: CayenneTestDatabaseSetup uses WARN for logging the ALTER
    TABLE statements; any reason not to make this INFO, so that it is more
    consistent with other logging output?


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