Re: Where to start ?

From: Andrus Adamchik (
Date: Tue Mar 04 2003 - 22:10:25 EST

  • Next message: Andrus Adamchik: "Re: ContextCommit refactoring"

    Hi Nanik,

    Sorry to burden you with the OpenSource trivia :-).

    Anyway, normally the motivation to do something "OpenSource" is a
    personal need of some kind. For instance you want to use Cayenne for
    something and it is missing feature X, or feature Y is broken, or simply
    you would think that having a feature Z would be cool :-).

    So basically if you can find an area that is interesting to you, and you
    have the ideas how to make it better, you suggest those ideas on this
    list, fight for them to get past "lazy consensus" if needed, and finally
    write the code.

    To give you some idea of what we are working on now, the "hot" areas in
    Cayenne development are:

    - Implementing Inheritance
    - Porting and testing with other databases
    - Improving the Modeler
    - Implementing Cayenne DataMaps (and projects in general) as
    event-driven self-maintained structures.
    - Writing the docs
    - Implementing StoredProcedure support
    - Implementing streaming BLOBs

    You can dig any of these, but you may (and most likely, will) have ideas
    of your own, totally unrelated to the above.


    Nanik Tolaram wrote:
    > Hi Ya All,
    > I haven't been involved in any open-source project before in this life or
    > previous life :), but I would love to get down and dirty. I have taken a
    > look at the Cayenne source base but to be frank, it's a whole lot of source
    > to start with especially as a new comer, can anybody suggest on how to start
    > with the beast ?
    > Any input will be appreciated.
    > Cheers
    > Nanik

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