Flattened Relationship Insert Problem

From: Scott Finnerty (scot..odefuey.com)
Date: Sun Jul 27 2003 - 13:53:55 EDT

  • Next message: Andrus Adamchik: "Re: Object validation"

    I think this may be the same problem reported by David Benoff on the
    user list:

    If the only change to the current DataContext is the addition of a
    flattened relationship at the time a commit is called for, the logic in
    DataContext.commitChanges(Level), et al, doesn't see any change and does

    In DataContext.commitChanges(Level) it checks to see if the DataContext
    has any changes, if not it just returns. Drilling down into
    ObjectStore.hasChanges() (called by DataContext.hasChanges()) the
    problem seems to be in QueryUtils.updatedProperties(DataObject). I can
    see the objects on both ends of the flattened relationship have a
    persistence state of MODIFIED, so next is that call to

    After stepping through the code the snapshot comparison (between the
    committed and the current) doesn't produce any differences because the
    difference is in a relationship - and relationships don't seem to be
    reflected in snapshots.

    Despite tracing the problem, I feel like I don't have enough knowledge
    about this portion of cayenne to make the right fix. I'm thinking
    changing QueryUtils.updatedProperties(DataObject) to look for updated
    relationships might have undesirable side-effects. So I'd probably look
    for some way of changing the following to include a check for updated

    In org.objectstyle.cayenne.access.ObjectStore.hasChanges():

    215 public synchronized boolean hasChanges() {
            Iterator it = objectMap.values().iterator();
            while (it.hasNext()) {
                DataObject dobj = (DataObject) it.next();
                int state = dobj.getPersistenceState();
                if(state==PersistenceState.MODIFIED) {
    >>> if(QueryUtils.updatedProperties(dobj)!=null) {
    >>> return true; //There were some updated
    >>> } //no updated properties, continue and see if any other
    objects have changed
                } else if (state == PersistenceState.NEW
                    || state == PersistenceState.DELETED) {
                    return true;
            return false;

    If one of the more experienced Cayenne developers knows the solution or
    wants to offer advice on the right solution, I'd be willing to do the
    work to get a patch together.

    Is it as simple as combining the result of ObjectStore.hasChanges() with
    looking at DataContext.getFlattenedInserts (and Deletes?) in
    DataContext.hasChanges()? As in:

            return ((this.getFlattenedInserts().isEmpty() == false)
                            || (this.getFlattenedDeletes().isEmpty() ==
                            || objectStore.hasChanges());

    Or should ObjectStore.hasChanges() return the "right" thing based on
    properties and relationships....?

    Scott Finnerty

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