Firebird Adapter

From: Heiko Wenzel (
Date: Wed Aug 13 2003 - 01:04:56 EDT

  • Next message: Fabricio Voznika: "Small contribution"

    Hallo All,
    I have som problems with the jUnit tests and the Firebird adapter. If I run the tests with ant (ant test -Dcayenne.test.connection=test-firebird), 23 tests fails.
    If run the tests in my IDE (Netbeans) or under Eclipse, only 4 tests fails. Below you can see the errorlog. The tests with the (o.k) are errorfree under Nerbeans or eclipse.On  the other 4 you can see the error message I get under Netbeans or Eclipse. What's wrong ant that should I believe?
    I use Firebird 1.0.3 für Linux, the Firebird JDBC Treiber jBird 1.0.0, und Jdk 1.4.2
    In the attachement you can find the errorlog again. The Firebird Adapter is checked in into the repository since last week.

    Heiko Wenzel

    [junit] TEST org.objectstyle.cayenne.access.DataContextExtrasTst FAILED         (testCommitChangesError,testSelectException)
    [junit] TEST org.objectstyle.cayenne.access.IncrementalFaultListTst FAILED      (o.k)
    [junit] TEST org.objectstyle.cayenne.access.DataContextPrefetchTst FAILED       GDS Exception. violation of FOREIGN KEY constraint "INTEG_10561" on table "ARTGROUP"
    [junit] TEST org.objectstyle.cayenne.access.DataContextTst FAILED               (o.k)
    [junit] TEST org.objectstyle.cayenne.access.DataContextRefreshingTst FAILED     (o.k)
    [junit] TEST org.objectstyle.cayenne.access.SnapshotManagerTst FAILED           (o.k)
    [junit] TEST org.objectstyle.cayenne.dba.PkGeneratorTst FAILED                  (o.k)
    [junit] TEST org.objectstyle.cayenne.query.SqlModifyQueryInContextTst FAILED    (o.k)
    [junit] TEST org.objectstyle.cayenne.query.SqlSelectQueryInContextTst FAILED    (o.k)
    [junit] TEST org.objectstyle.cayenne.query.SelectQueryTst FAILED                (o.k)
    [junit] TEST org.objectstyle.cayenne.CDOMany2OneNoRevTst FAILED                 (o.k) 
    [junit] TEST org.objectstyle.cayenne.CDOMany2OneTst FAILED                      (o.k)
    [junit] TEST org.objectstyle.cayenne.CDOOne2ManyTst FAILED                      (o.k)
    [junit] TEST org.objectstyle.cayenne.CDOOne2OneDepTst FAILED                    (o.k)
    [junit] TEST org.objectstyle.cayenne.CDOOneDep2OneTst FAILED                    (o.k)
    [junit] TEST org.objectstyle.cayenne.CDOReflexiveRelDeleteTst FAILED            (o.k)
    [junit] TEST org.objectstyle.cayenne.CDOReflexiveRelTst FAILED                  GDS Exception. violation of FOREIGN KEY constraint "INTEG_9864" on table "ARTGROUP""
    [junit] TEST org.objectstyle.cayenne.CayenneDataObjectRelTst FAILED             GDS Exception. violation of FOREIGN KEY constraint "INTEG_10018" on table "ARTGROUP"
    [junit] TEST org.objectstyle.cayenne.DOPrefetchTst FAILED                       (o.k)
    [junit] TEST org.objectstyle.cayenne.MiscTst FAILED                             (o.k)
    [junit] TEST org.objectstyle.cayenne.OneWayManyToOneTst FAILED                  (o.k)
    [junit] TEST org.objectstyle.cayenne.OneWayOneToManyTst FAILED                  (o.k)
    [junit] TEST org.objectstyle.cayenne.CayenneDataObjectInCtxtTst FAILED          (o.k)

    [junit] TEST org.objectstyle.cayenne.access.DataContextExtrasTst FAILED (testCommitChangesError,testSelectException)
    [junit] TEST org.objectstyle.cayenne.access.IncrementalFaultListTst FAILED (o.k)
    [junit] TEST org.objectstyle.cayenne.access.DataContextPrefetchTst FAILED GDS Exception. violation of FOREIGN KEY constraint "INTEG_10561" on table "ARTGROUP"
    [junit] TEST org.objectstyle.cayenne.access.DataContextTst FAILED (o.k)
    [junit] TEST org.objectstyle.cayenne.access.DataContextRefreshingTst FAILED (o.k)
    [junit] TEST org.objectstyle.cayenne.access.SnapshotManagerTst FAILED (o.k)
    [junit] TEST org.objectstyle.cayenne.dba.PkGeneratorTst FAILED (o.k)
    [junit] TEST org.objectstyle.cayenne.query.SqlModifyQueryInContextTst FAILED (o.k)
    [junit] TEST org.objectstyle.cayenne.query.SqlSelectQueryInContextTst FAILED (o.k)
    [junit] TEST org.objectstyle.cayenne.query.SelectQueryTst FAILED (o.k)
    [junit] TEST org.objectstyle.cayenne.CDOMany2OneNoRevTst FAILED (o.k)
    [junit] TEST org.objectstyle.cayenne.CDOMany2OneTst FAILED (o.k)
    [junit] TEST org.objectstyle.cayenne.CDOOne2ManyTst FAILED (o.k)
    [junit] TEST org.objectstyle.cayenne.CDOOne2OneDepTst FAILED (o.k)
    [junit] TEST org.objectstyle.cayenne.CDOOneDep2OneTst FAILED (o.k)
    [junit] TEST org.objectstyle.cayenne.CDOReflexiveRelDeleteTst FAILED (o.k)
    [junit] TEST org.objectstyle.cayenne.CDOReflexiveRelTst FAILED GDS Exception. violation of FOREIGN KEY constraint "INTEG_9864" on table "ARTGROUP""
    [junit] TEST org.objectstyle.cayenne.CayenneDataObjectRelTst FAILED GDS Exception. violation of FOREIGN KEY constraint "INTEG_10018" on table "ARTGROUP"
    [junit] TEST org.objectstyle.cayenne.DOPrefetchTst FAILED (o.k)
    [junit] TEST org.objectstyle.cayenne.MiscTst FAILED (o.k)
    [junit] TEST org.objectstyle.cayenne.OneWayManyToOneTst FAILED (o.k)
    [junit] TEST org.objectstyle.cayenne.OneWayOneToManyTst FAILED (o.k)
    [junit] TEST org.objectstyle.cayenne.CayenneDataObjectInCtxtTst FAILED (o.k)

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