Re: Firebird Adapter

From: Andrus Adamchik (
Date: Sat Aug 30 2003 - 16:26:20 EDT

  • Next message: Holger Hoffstätte: "Re: Firebird Adapter"


    Ok, I nailed down the main offender - constraint error on ARTGROUP
    table. Note that ARTGROUP has a reflexive relationship to itself. And
    Firebird seems to be the only database out of all we work with that
    will have referential integrity complaints when you run a query like
    this: "DELETE FROM ARTGROUP". So there was nothing wrong with adapter,
    but I had to tweak unit tests running raw SQL to prepare table data.
    This is fixed now. But this unmasked a few other problems.

    1. Performing any JDBC operation on tables or other DB objects that do
    not exist results in OutOfMemoryError (yikes!) A few unit tests in
    DataContextExtrasTst emulate exactly this condition. I would expect
    some sort of SQLException, but OutOfMemory... Looks like a driver
    problem. I haven't looked any deeper.

    2. SelectQueryTst.testSelectLikeExactMatch fails. This particular unit
    test is controversial (see postgresql discussions on this list 4-5
    months ago), but it demonstrates that exact comparison of CHAR columns
    is impossible due to space padding. On other databases workaround was
    to strip padding (e.g. RTRIM(ARTIST_NAME) = 'xyz'). I am not sure how
    to do this on Firebird. Does it even support string functions in SQL?
    I've read somewhere that currently it does not, but I have no real
    knowledge of Firebird and can't comment.

    Heiko, can you comment on 1. and 2.?

    Unrelated to current problems - there are a few functions that Firebird
    support, but we need to test them or add to the adapter if it doesn't
    work out of the box. Supporting them would be very nice for adapter

    a. Stored Procedures. Chances are that they'll work out of the box, but
    setting up unit tests requires some effort. See
    org.objectstyle.cayenne.unittest.SybaseDelegate (under tests source)
    for a good example how to setup database-specific DDL for stored
    procedures testing.

    b. LOB. Support for LOBs may just work (e.g. Sybase) or may require
    some serious customization (Oracle). This need to be tested.

    Both a. and b. are excluded by default from the unit test procedure,
    unless XYZDelegate instructs to include them.

    BTW, a. and b. should be tried for DB2 adapter as well... Volunteers?


    On Saturday, August 30, 2003, at 12:13 PM, Andrus Adamchik wrote:

    > Heiko,
    > I installed Firebird on Linux and was able to connect to it from
    > Cayenne. Unit test results are pretty much the same as yours (lots of
    > failures :-)). But now that I have the test environment I can dig
    > around and see what's wrong. I'll get back once I have some results.
    > Andrus

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