Flushing new/dirty Objects before Query

From: Fehlhammer, Manuel (manuel.fehlhamme..dm.de)
Date: Thu Nov 20 2003 - 08:49:24 EST

  • Next message: Andrus Adamchik: "Re: Extrapolation of DB structure analisys"


    Why aren't dirty objects of DataContext flushed to the db, when I start a new Query?
    Writing to the database seems to occur only with DataContext.commitChanges().
    So if I want to see changed/ new data in my current DataContext I have to commit all changes - not what I want, because I can not rollback anymore....

    Any hints?


    Manuel Fehlhammer mailto:Manuel.Fehlhamme..dm.de
    sd&m AG http://www.sdm.de
    software design & management
    Thomas-Dehler-Str. 27, 81737 Muenchen, Germany
    Tel +49 89 63812-536, Fax -490

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