Re: Maven

From: Andriy Shapochka (
Date: Wed Nov 26 2003 - 15:44:46 EST

  • Next message: Andrus Adamchik: "Re: EventSubject as WeakHashMap key in EventManager"

    ----- Original Message -----
    From: "Andrus Adamchik" <>
    To: <>
    Sent: Tuesday, November 25, 2003 1:11 AM
    Subject: Re: Maven

    > Hi Andriy,
    > I looked at Maven briefly some time back for exactly the same reason.
    > Didn't get too far though, so I don't have the whole picture yet. IIRC
    > I got stuck when I tried to port our existing website layout to Maven.
    > I suspect this can be done (it is OpenSource after all), but I got
    > discouraged back then. If we can solve this problem, it is worth
    > another look.
    > Andrus

    Yes, that's the problem. They've got plugins for all occasions, doing almost
    what is needed and yet quite hard to use in a slightly different context.
    Can't say much of the site generation (though, I know many folks are not
    happy with this part of Maven, and my personal opinion is their site
    generation facilities are meant for "developers to developers" sites
    mostly), but setting up my AspectJ aware environment I could not make the
    following scenario work based on a combination of Java, Jar, and AspectJ
    official plugins:

    1) create aspect library jar for AspectJ 1.1.1
    2) compile another component library with AspectJ ajc, the library from 1)
    and some its own aspects woven into.
    3) jar it excluding the aspect library but referencing it from the
    manifest's Class-Path
    4) compile an application using the comp. lib from 2) and woven into with 1)
    5) jar it as in 3) plus Main-Class goes to the application's manifest.

    The good news is, to define the desired goals and build-flow patterned after
    those in the above mentioned plugins and with almost equal degree of
    flexibility on the side of my project was just a piece of cake. So, it seems
    one good strategy for a non-commonplace project might be to borrow Maven's
    organizational structure, jelly scripting (observing en passant, control
    flow defined in xml shall never become elegant, ever!) and pom extension
    facilities, and some of the less harmful plugins but, at the same time,
    implement more sophisticated behavior and goals via embedded chunks of the
    regular ant tasking. In case sometime in the future you would consider
    migrating Cayenne under Maven's wing (and AspectJ :^) I'll be glad to impart
    my project setup and the little experience I acquired taming the beast.


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