Optimistic Locking: progress report

From: Mike Kienenberger (mkienen..laska.net)
Date: Tue Feb 03 2004 - 16:29:17 EST

  • Next message: Mike Kienenberger: "Optimistic Locking Progress Report 2 - final?"

    I've been looking through the code today for the proper place to put in
    optimistic locking. As a first pass, I'm considering locking on every
    dbEntity and every dbEntity dbAttribute. This avoids changing my model and
    changing the model data structure as well as problems with objAttributes
    with no direct dbAttribute mapping.

    My first thought was to do something along the lines of
    DataContextDelegate's willPerformSelect() named willPerformUpdate() and just
    add it into my DataContextDelegate, but I wondered whether I was attacking
    the problem at too high a level since any support here would only be for
    optimistic locking WHERE clauses.

    So my second idea was to put it in createSqlString for the following three


    I still think that's where the real locking code has to go. However,
    examining that code really showed that the proper handling of optimistic
    locking would probably be easiest by generating more Query qualifiers rather
    than trying to build equivalent expressions from scratch while merging with
    existing qualifying query clauses. So I could either go back to
    willPerformUpdate() or take a look at what invoked createSqlString for

    That lead me to DataNode's runBatchUpdate's Query.UPDATE_QUERY switch
    statement. Currently it's only used for selecting a
    UpdateBatchQueryBuilder object. However, that location could also be used
    to modify the query to add in support for additional optimistic locking
    queries. Since this doesn't really provide support for anything other than
    optimistic locking qualifier clauses, there's little point in doing it here
    rather than in a DataContextDelegate. Adding willPerformUpdate() can be
    used for other functionality in addition to supporting optimistic locking,
    so that's where I think I'm going to make my first pass at this until
    convinced otherwise.


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