Next release preview - String expressions, Modeler Query support, etc.

From: Andrus Adamchik (
Date: Wed Feb 25 2004 - 02:53:37 EST

  • Next message: Andrus Adamchik: "[ANN] Cayenne 1.1M3 released"

    Just a little preview of the next 1.1 milestone release... I am done
    with most of the things described below, just finishing minor details,
    docs, and doing testing. If you want to play with it, I recommend the
    next nightly build (Feb 25th or newer). So here is the new features:

    1. String Expressions. No more messy and endless API calls. Instead you
    can do:

    Expression e = ExpressionFactory.expFromString("abc = $param1 and < $param2 or mnk in (1, 2, 3)");
    // now if you have any parameters ($...), substitute them for runtime
    Expression finalE = e.expWithParameters(parameterMap);

    2. Queries in the DataMap. Updated DataMap DTD is designed to support
    all imaginable types of queries, but current code supports only
    straight SelectQueries with ObjEntity as root. Those happen to be the
    most useful of course. So now parameterized Queries can be stored and
    distributed with the rest of the XML mapping.

    3. And the most exciting thing (at least to me) is that on top of (2)
    there is a full Modeler support for building SelectQueries. Editing
    dialog allows to configure all aspects, including qualifier, ordering
    and prefetching, etc. This is something that took me a while to write,
    but I think it is totally worth it. As we go we can implement lots of
    cool things like mapping raw SQL queries to ObjEntities, customize raw
    SQL per adapter, etc...

    Enjoy ;-)


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