separate testing dependencies from use dependencies?

From: Mike Kienenberger (
Date: Thu Apr 15 2004 - 12:23:29 EDT

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    One of the things I noticed today in my application is that I was acquiring a
    huge number of jar files, many of which were only used for testing, all of
    which I was packaging up in my j2ee war file. So I made a root-level
    lib-testing directory and moved all of my testing libraries (and their
    dependencies) into there.

    I think otherlib could benefit from the same kind of separation. I realize
    documents the user libraries pretty well, but I think having
    otherlib/testing would make it clear what these many other jar files are

    I also think it might make sense to maintain a readme.txt file in the
    otherlib directory stating what each of these jar files is used for, making
    it easier to upgrade various components, especially in those cases when Jar
    A requires Jar B which requires Jar C, and you want to upgrade A (which may
    or may not depend on B anymore).

    The only solid contribution I can make to such documentation is

    mockrunner-0.2.7.jar Testing jar used for optimistic locking tests (mock
    JDBC objects).


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