Modeler Preferences

From: Andrus Adamchik (
Date: Wed Sep 22 2004 - 13:38:49 EDT

  • Next message: Andriy Shapochka: "Re: Modeler Preferences"

    Long time ago we had a discussion with Andriy about a need for a usable
    preferences API in Java (beyond the java.util.prefs "invention"). Now
    that I had an immediate need for such API to use for Modeler
    Preferences, I had to actually design one myself. I needed the
    following features:

    * Hierarchical preferences with the ability to easily locate a
    preference object for a given Java object in a certain context.
    * Platform independent storage format that is human-readable and
    editable in a simple text editor.
    * An ability to retrieve typed objects, not just some key value pairs
    (e.g. have a "db connection" preference object for a DataNode that
    stores URL, driver, password, etc.)

    Looking at this list I couldn't think of a better way, but to use
    Cayenne itself as a base for such preference API implementation. So I
    created a small preference framework that has a "common" part (DataMap)
    used for preference organization and lookup and a "domain-specific"
    part (which is a DataMap created by developer for her specific
    application). Here is an implementation of this idea:

    This is an Eclipse project that depends on Cayenne, that contains a
    common preferences library and a small Swing app that implements a
    preference editor for DataSources. It uses an embedded HSQLDB (with
    files created under ~/.cayenne/pref/ - no need to do "generate DB", it
    bootstraps itself automatically). This actually worked *very* well, and
    I think such approach should work with any GUI application. My only
    concern is HSQL DB itself - we can't use a standalone server, as this
    will hurt Modeler usability. And the embedded DB mode doesn't allow
    multiple processes to modify the same DB. So I had to implement various
    tricks to get around this limitation. E.g. if you open multiple
    instances of the app, I am cloning the DB. I guess at some point we
    should open multiple frames of in the SAME JVM, instead of multiple

    As this implementation will be a part of the Modeler in Cayenne RC1, I
    appreciate comments on the tool and general approach.


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