International XML encoding [Was (CAY-236) gui application generates malformed xml]

From: Andrus Adamchik (
Date: Sat Nov 20 2004 - 00:55:21 EST

  • Next message: Andrus Adamchik: "Re: International XML encoding [Was (CAY-236) gui application generates malformed xml]"

    Well, I guess we must assume that RDBMS do (although I've never ran
    across one with non-ASCII schema names). And I can reproduce the bug,
    so the report is valid. Now the question is how to fix it.

    Anyone can comment? What is the best approach to handle such issues?


    On Nov 12, 2004, at 11:51 AM, Gentry, Michael wrote:
    > Do most databases (or even Java) allow umlauts/etc in table/column (or
    > class/variable) names? Maybe I'm behind-the-times, but I've never
    > seen that done before.
    > Thanks,
    > /dev/mrg

    > Environment: MacOS X 10.3.6
    > Description:
    > When a column name contains umlaut (in my example a Ö) then the
    > modeler saves invalid xml files (in my case because the Ö
    > isn't correctly encoded. As a result, Eclipse does not open the file
    > and even opening the saved project back in modeler won't work either.

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