Re: XML coding questions

From: Kevin J. Menard, Jr. (
Date: Thu Dec 02 2004 - 13:25:05 EST

  • Next message: John Martyniak: "Re: XML coding questions"

    On Dec 2, 2004, at 1:13 PM, Andrus Adamchik wrote:

    > I agree - any properties shouldbe rooted in the entity that encloses
    > them
    > (doesn't matter if this is the main or a dependent entity).

    Ok. Thanks for the feedback on this guys. This will make my life much
    simpler :-)

    > As for the other question about the order of dependent objects
    > instantiation... there
    > can be different possibilities. One is to do it in constructor (would
    > make
    > sense for an internal HashMap), another one is to create it on demand
    > before setting the property (e.g. if a dependent is a DataObject)...

    The way I'm proceeding then is, if it's a property in the main entity
    that doesn't reference another entity, assume it's created in the
    constructor. For those properties that refer to other entities, I have
    enough information from the other entity block to create the object and
    then set property afterward.

    > By the way, I am about to start a project that does a lot of heavy-duty
    > XML encoding-decoding... So I am really looking forward to using this
    > feature.

    I'll try to get a beta out shortly then, so you and John (and others)
    can give me feedback on it. At this stage, encoding is pretty well
    set, and decoding with a map file is pretty well set. I need to get
    decoding without a map file done, and I'm probably going to wrap up
    exceptions like the WebObjects interface did (so, just some maintenance


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