Re: Safer version of IncrementalFaultList.DataRowListHelper

From: Andrus Adamchik (
Date: Wed Dec 22 2004 - 22:52:34 EST

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    On Dec 22, 2004, at 5:11 PM, Derek Rendall wrote:

    > I'm embarrassed to admit that I didn't know that there was a specific
    > patch
    > "format" till today (I'm a "double-click to install" kinda guy). After
    > I
    > Googled I found that there is a Windows version, which I have now
    > downloaded.

    Not sure which Windows app you use (is this some sort of command line
    diff?). Other options are: (1) Eclipse 3.0 and higher has very nice
    built-in support for creating and applying patches (2) Cygwin - UNIX
    shell emulator for Win (under Cygwin, you would do straight UNIX "diff
    -u" from command line).

    > I will try to get my head around it, but this close to Christmas
    > there are a few other things that have to be done (and down this end
    > of the
    > world it's then the big summer break :-). I suspect that a straight
    > diff on
    > the file/class is not what you'd want anyway, as it contains my other
    > changes relating to the above functionality. That means I'll need to
    > set up
    > a fresh environment and add just the DataRowListHelper changes - sigh.
    > May
    > not be able to get time/opportunity do this for a few weeks :-(

    Depends... patch file consists of chunks. The relevant changes may be
    in a single chunk, and you can simply delete other chunks from the
    patch text file. Each chunk begins with a line like this: .. -322,8
    +321,12.."... But no problem anyway. I am taking off on vacation in a
    few days myself.

    Also I would like (time permitting) to refactor IncrementalFaultList,
    decomposing it to pluggable logical parts (e.g. data source, batch
    policy, ordering, max size, etc.). This way we can use it in other
    places, such as relationships, and generally make it fit into more real
    life situations. Something to think of...

    > BTW: I have had some interesting experiences in trying to get a
    > subclass of
    > DataContext working (i.e. part of trying to move my changes out of the
    > Cayenne code base and into our code base so we can use the standard
    > Cayenne
    > distribution). It works, but I had to go through a few unexpected
    > loops. If
    > you are interested I could look at summarising and posting it - but
    > again,
    > it may have to wait till I get back from holiday (I am not taking my
    > laptop
    > away with me - family wont let me ;-).

    That sounds interesting. I was definitely considering adding some sort
    of DataContext factory support in 1.2, so any ideas and issues with
    that are very welcomed.


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