Re: Cayenne 1.2 + PostgreSQL

From: Kevin Menard (
Date: Fri Dec 09 2005 - 16:37:35 EST

  • Next message: Cris Daniluk: "Re: Cayenne 1.2 + PostgreSQL"

    On 12/9/05 2:32 PM, "Cris Daniluk" <> wrote:

    > In all the confusion of this issue, I've lost track of what the
    > intended goal here is :)
    > As of now, 1.2 supports postgres sequences with no problems. Can you
    > summarize what you want to accomplish on top of this?

    Sure thing.

    What I'd like to be able to do is specify a PKGenerator implementation in
    the DataNode, much like how one can provide a custom DbAdapter. I think the
    original problem was that in 1.2 we went from using PK tables to using
    sequences. People that relied on the old behavior were sort of left out in
    the cold. If the PkGenerator implementation was pluggable though, then we
    would ship with both an implementation of the old behavior and the new
    sequence-based one. In principle, switching between the two would be as
    simple as selecting a different one in the modeler.

    Additionally, it seems periodically people integrating with legacy databases
    have peculiar requirements about how their PKs must be generated. Here,
    allowing them to specify their own PkGenerator implementation would let them
    do what they need without too much hassle.

    Make more sense now? Or am I trying to fix a non-issue?


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