reducing webapp deployment choices

From: Andrus Adamchik (
Date: Sun Apr 02 2006 - 07:38:00 EDT

  • Next message: Malcolm Edgar: "Re: reducing webapp deployment choices"

    While we still have time to deprecate stuff, I thought I'd raise this

    There are three redundant ways to bootstrap Cayenne in a web
    application. I suggest that we reduce the number of default
    configuration choices. Currently we have:

    1. WebApplicationContextFilter (Servlet spec 2.3+, session
    DataContext, thread DataContext)
    2. WebApplicationContextListener (Servlet spec 2.3+, session
    3. WebApplicationContextProvider (Servlet spec 2.4+, session
    DataContext, thread DataContext)

    For a novice user this creates unneeded confusion as to what is the
    difference between them. And for a power user each one of the choices
    is trivial to write from scratch.

    So maybe just keep the (1) - the filter, and move the rest to Wiki as
    possible custom alternatives (with deprecation of course). Filter
    seems like the best choice to keep as it works with older spec and
    does allow mapping by path.

    What do you think?


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