Re: Does it make sense to move 1.2 branch to Apache?

From: Cris Daniluk (
Date: Sun Apr 09 2006 - 17:58:21 EDT

  • Next message: Andrus Adamchik: "Re: isIteratedResult and SPs"

    On 4/9/06, Jason Dwyer <> wrote:
    > IMHO, given that the 1.2 line has been in the works for some time, and
    > any effort to repackage the class tree will almost certainly lead to
    > changes ( trivial bug fixes, etc), why not stick to the org.objectstyle
    > packaging for the 1.2 final release, and move on ot org.apache from
    > there?
    > another consideration in the naming scheme is to align the version to
    > specific java specs. ie: release 1.5 corresponds to ( and provides an
    > implementation compatible with) java 1.5.
    Well just to be clear, nobody is talking about doing a dual version. While I
    did suggest 1.2-apache, I was quickly and rightly talked out of it :)

    What is proposed is to make a release that is API-"equivalent", but with a
    new package structure. Development on a new release would begin immediately
    thereafter on a version that is not API-equivalent or API-compatible. The
    idea is that we provide an upgrade path. If the org.apache release becomes "
    2.0", a hypothetical "3.0" release is going to be a long way off. A
    1.2->3.0upgrade would be difficult for users, because of new package
    names AND new
    class/method names. A 1.2->2.0->3.0 upgrade would allow users a more
    controlled upgrade path should they choose to take it.

    By the way, I disagree with the idea of versioning along side the JDK. That
    may make sense for aspect-related stuff, etc, but I don't see Cayenne going
    "1.5 only" anytime soon, and even if it were to, I don't see it going
    "Mustang-only" ever, since Mustang has few API changes that would be worth
    breaking backward compatibility over.


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