Re: Maven Site? [Was: Free Maven 2 Book]

From: Andrus Adamchik (
Date: Mon May 01 2006 - 19:23:07 EDT

  • Next message: Jean T. Anderson: "Re: Maven Site? [Was: Free Maven 2 Book]"

    Great! I figured you and Jeff are very busy now.

    BTW, I have an almost working example of Cayenne with JPA annotations
    [1]. I integrated a simple CGlib enhancer using Java instrumentation
    API, so you can run the example like this:

    # java -javaagent:/path/to/cayenne-jpa-3.0-incubating-SNAPSHOT.jar \

    I borrowed DB schema from 3t-example elsewhere in CVS (need to add
    automatic schema load and maybe use Derby to make it self-contained).
    The example uses annotated POJOs - no special superclass or XML
    mapping! Although I still need to finish some enhancer leftovers.

    So looks like we can demo something..avaOne (by "we" I mean those
    who will be there... I won't). Also I haven't heard from David
    Blevins (OpenEJB/Geronimo) lately - he was going to try it with
    OpenEJB. I'll ping him once I have the standalone example in a good



    On May 1, 2006, at 3:36 PM, Bill Dudney wrote:
    > I would love to help with this!
    > I'm really swamped in my day job though so I've not been able to
    > get to the JPA stuff that I was hoping to get to. I am hoping by
    > JavaOne my time will be a bit more my own though so I'm happy to
    > attack this first before returning to the JPA work.
    > TTFN,
    > Bill Dudney
    > MyFaces -
    > Cayenne -

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