Some questions on ropwsdl

From: Michael Victorov (
Date: Mon Aug 07 2006 - 12:05:23 EDT

  • Next message: Andrus Adamchik: "Re: headers discussion"

    Hi All and especially Andrus and Kevin. I need to discuss some things
    on my project. Also I need comments.

    Currently I implemented big hierarchy of serializers/deserializers to
    provide mostly all of query and sync capabilities. Code at It
    succesfully works on my test applications (i will try to do more
    complex way to test them).

    Current architecture:

               - AXIS web service with CayenneRemote module installed.
               - No business logic classes needed on serverside.
               - All entities mapped to CayenneDataObject class.
               - Has big static WSDL with Cayenne type hierarchy adapted
                   to XML.
               - Users can create their serverside distributions based
                   on cayenne-axis.jar and cayenne-axis-server project
               - Has it's own configuration files with entites mapped to
                   concrete java classes (or maybe something else on other
                   languges in future).
               - CayenneDataObjects deserialized to these concrete
               - No java-specific info provided by network. So entity
                   resolving based on local config.


    1. It seems like most of Cayenne classes can not be serialized or
    deserialized without accessing their private fields through
    reflection. I placed "//TODO" at places in cayenne-axis project where
    private fields are accessed.

    To avoid cyclic blocking dependences in deserialization process I need
    to provide initial deserialized value at the early stage of
    deserialization. Most of Cayenne classes constructors need child
    objects to be deserialized to invoke. And in many cases these child
    objects need parent object to be created before. To make
    deserialization work I povided constructors of many objects with fake
    values and then replaced these values with deserialized correct ones
    (using reflection).

    So it works. But it's wrong. Some comments - what can I do with it?

    2. My web service can work without client business logic classes on
    serverside. But I need different .map.xml files on server and client.
    On serverside all entities must be assigned to CayenneDataObject class
    instead of actual business logic classes.

    Maybe I can write an ant task to convert xml files provided by
    modeller. Is it ok?

    3. Client classes must be subclasses of

    It copies implementation of CayenneDataObject with some changes:

    It uses getObjectContext() instead of getDataContext() in methods
    addToManyTarget(), removeToManyTarget(), setToOneTarget(). So these
    methods still work when provided context is not DataContext.

    It seems like such use of getObjectContext() instead of getDataContext() can
    be implemented in main cayenne distribution. Or am I wrong?

    Also there is a method named validateForSave() which will not work
    without local DataContext...

    4. It would be better to remove .driver.xml file (with db info) from
    client side. But I need working local configuration on client side to
    map entities to classes and do validateForSave() (etc...). Is there
    some crorrect way to make configuration work (maybe partly) without
    .driver.xml class?

    Best regards,
    Michael Victorov.

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