Sequoia, Cayenne, MySql 5 with AUTO_PK_SUPPORT

From: Tobias SCHOESSLER (
Date: Fri Aug 18 2006 - 05:24:39 EDT

  • Next message: Andrus Adamchik: "Re: Sequoia, Cayenne, MySql 5 with AUTO_PK_SUPPORT"

    I am trying to get Cayenne 1.2 work with Sequoia ( former CJDB ) with MySql 5.

    Sequoia is implementing a clustered JDBC Driver which is broadcasting all
    JDBC traffic to a cluster of connected databases.

    We are using AUTO_PK_SUPPORT of cayenne because we like the database
    independency of the solution and would like to keep using this in this set

    Unfortunately Sequoia seems to have problems with the


    commands Cayenne's MySql Adapter is firing when retrieving new IDs from the
    AUTO_PK_SUPPORT TABLE. I could not verify that this is a known issue with
    Sequoia and MySql yet.

    I wondered if there is a way around these LOCK TABLES - why is not a
    transaction used to retrieve the IDs like in the Sybase adapter?

    Has someone experience with a similar set up?

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