Why is appendObjectMatch (objectMatchTranslator) called late in query translation?

From: Mike Kienenberger (mkienen..mail.com)
Date: Tue Aug 22 2006 - 17:00:57 EDT

  • Next message: Mike Kienenberger: "Re: Why is appendObjectMatch (objectMatchTranslator) called late in query translation?"

    I'm trying to track down why appendObjectMatch (objectMatchTranslator)
    generates sql late in the process for a clause rather than immediately
    during objectNode processing.

    So far, I don't understand.

    detectObjectMatch is called early in startNode to create/reset the

    appendLiteral and processRelTermination configure
    objectMatchTranslator during objectNode by adding DataObjects or
    Relationships or ObjectIds to the objectMatchTranslator.

    finishedChild (operator handler) stores sql and expression in
    objectMatchTranslator if matchingObject rather than to the global

    appendObjectMatch() is called after all of the objectNode and
    finishChild method calls during endNode.

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