Re: DataView status

From: Ahmed Mohombe (
Date: Mon Oct 16 2006 - 05:13:54 EDT

  • Next message: Ahmed Mohombe: "Re: DataView status"

    > ... but I think there is a lot of great work in there.
    Me too. The concept is jut too nice to be thrown away.
    IMHO this DataView "language" is the closest to the most practical and efficient
    Form/UI Domain Specific "Language", I've seen so far.

    > * refactored out dependent code Swing into a dataview.swing package
    This is fantastic. IMHO exactly what's needed. Based on the generic
    remaining part one could than implement: package
    dataview.tapestry package, etc.

    > Validation meta data will be more complex, and possibly should be
    > represented in another class. Information I would like to see would
    > include:
    > * required
    > * max length
    > * min length
    > * min value (for numeric values)
    > * max value (for numeric values)
    Would be useful to have these too:
      - "pattern" for pattern oriented fields
      - "rows" and "cols" for (J)TextAreas or other rich text areas (JEditorPane, etc.)

    The validation (for the Swing implementation of DataView), could be better served IMHO by this
    (instead of an "own" implementation)

    > I haven't figured out how a list of values (for a select / ComboBox)
    > is represented in the DV design.
    RadioGroup is in the same situation.

    > Anyway just some random thoughts.
    Also there could be support for I18N since this is done easily with Swing and also with most
    of the webframeowrks.


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