DV Modeler

From: Adrian Wiesmann (awiesman..omap.org)
Date: Wed Nov 29 2006 - 17:26:08 EST

  • Next message: Tore Halset: "mvn trouble with modeler"

    Hello all

    I am currently diving into the DV Modeler and the DataView part of Cayenne
    3.0. Current target is it to add a new CalcTypeEnum. DataViews currently
    know a field as either of type no-calc or as of type lookup. While no-calc
    is meant as a 1:1 representation of the DataObjects field value, a lookup
    field is linked via a relation to another table. Like that it is easy to
    build a table editor in which the user can select foreign key constraints
    from a dropdown or something like that.

    What I am now implementing in the DVModeler and the DataViews is a new
    CalcType which I call "code". Code is a light version of the lookup type
    and defines that the field in question is the numeric representation of a
    code. Codes in my "language" are numerical values which are presented to
    the user in a more verbose way than only a number. Something like n/a = 0,
    low = 1, medium = 2, high = 3. The user would then see a dropdown with
    n/a, low, medium and high as available options. The database would store
    values from 0 to 3 in the respective field.

    The codes can be looked up either in a code table within the database or
    by another means. Since codes can be stored anywhere and often have to be
    translated, DataView only defines that a field is of type code but the
    resolving must be implemented within everybodies own code. I am currently
    not opting for a generic solution for the resolving mechanism.

    And since modeling a code field with a lookup kind of field is overkill
    and not practical, I really need that light version.

    So here are my questions:

    - Which svn repository is the current one for the DVModeler when I am
    interested in the 3.0 tree of Cayenne? I just checked out the source from
    .0/cayenne/cayenne-java/src/dvmodeler/java/> is this OK, or is there a
    better/newer repository? The repository featured in the cayenne developer
    help does not contain the dvmodeler?

    - I have in my head that somebody is currently working on the DVModeler? I
    am not sure if it was Malcolm? I don't want to run against a wall when
    "committing" my changes or reinvent the wheel when somebody is already
    working on this?

    Thanks for your help,

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