Re: Null handling - Exception or not [Was: (CAY-705) Ordering.sortList() does not work with null relationships]

From: Andrus Adamchik (
Date: Fri Dec 01 2006 - 08:18:17 EST

  • Next message: Michael Gentry: "Re: Re: Null handling - Exception or not [Was: (CAY-705) Ordering.sortList() does not work with null relationships]"

    > In terms of utility to the developer, the current behaviour is
    > problematic. It means that for every relation which could possibly
    > be NULL, then we cannot use the Cayenne sorting functionality. We
    > might have 100,000 records and one NULL value, but we then cannot
    > sort.

    Yes. But this is a question about correctness and predictability of
    either behavior, so "1 out of 100,000" case is not really an argument
    here. It either works one way or another. Also note that whatever
    change we implement will affect not only sorting, but also expression
    evaluation (==, !=, etc).

    The more I think about it, the more I am against entirely abandoning
    the correct behavior (and allowing for null related objects to be
    treated the same as null object properties). So this leaves us with
    the option to make it configurable. The problem with OGNL null
    handler (and everything else OGNL) is its static nature... If we are
    to implement something like that, it will have to be contextual, set
    per Expression or Ordering instance. And I agree that null handler is
    probably an overkill - a boolean flag should probably be enough.


    On Dec 1, 2006, at 3:08 PM, Aristedes Maniatis wrote:
    > On 01/12/2006, at 10:46 PM, Andrus Adamchik wrote:
    >> I am taking this discussion to cayenne-dev from Jira. Essentially
    >> this is about whether Ordering (and Expression I guess) should
    >> throw on nulls in the middle of the property path (like OGNL does)
    >> or return NULL (like WebObjects does).
    >> I can think of one problem with returning nulls: we won't be
    >> comparing apples to apples ("painting.artist == null" is not the
    >> same as " == null"). But of course it is a
    >> nice shortcut...
    > In terms of utility to the developer, the current behaviour is
    > problematic. It means that for every relation which could possibly
    > be NULL, then we cannot use the Cayenne sorting functionality. We
    > might have 100,000 records and one NULL value, but we then cannot
    > sort.
    > It seems that even OGNL allows NullPointerExceptions to be
    > overridden.
    > DeveloperGuide/nullHandler.html
    > Perhaps the equivalent of this OGNL idea is to be able to map
    > "painting.artist == null" to "No linked artist" or some other
    > arbitrary value and " == null" to "No name".
    > Then they might be sorted alphabetically under "N". But personally
    > I think this is overkill and not really needed. Grouping them all
    > as null, without distinguishing the type of null, would be simpler.
    > Ari Maniatis
    > -------------------------->
    > ish
    > Level 1, 30 Wilson Street Newtown 2042 Australia
    > phone +61 2 9550 5001 fax +61 2 9550 4001
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