Re: DbEntity Comments

From: Aristedes Maniatis (
Date: Thu Feb 01 2007 - 06:31:41 EST

  • Next message: Michael Gentry: "FindBugs"

    On 01/02/2007, at 9:28 PM, Andrus Adamchik wrote:

    > We are talking about BLOBS of text. Consider people using this for
    > javadocs, with each attribute having a 100 char comment field. For
    > the model of 50 entities with 20 attributes each, we have (50 +
    > 50*20) * 100 = 102K. Not crucial, but still keeping this stuff
    > around in runtime seems wrong. Those things add up over time,
    > resulting in framework becoming heavier with every new release.

    Not to mention it might contain private notes we may not want in a
    public release of a product. I don't want our entity documentation
    released to the world.

    How about a velocity(?) script which could strip some parts of the
    XML file for deployment? As long as they were easily identifiable, we
    could even put a little regex into our main ant build script for
    deploying the application.

    On the other hand, a separate config file for comments would make
    this easier...


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