Re: podling BIS notifications (jars in svn & crypto)

From: Jean T. Anderson (
Date: Thu Feb 22 2007 - 00:00:33 EST

  • Next message: Jean T. Anderson: "Re: podling BIS notifications (jars in svn & crypto)"

    Kevin Menard wrote:
    >>Cayenne *only* enables password encryption? I kinda doubt you
    >>need the bis notification, but a post to legal-discuss would
    >>remove all doubt.
    >>My comparison to derby doesn't fit -- it enables encryption
    >>of database data.
    > Forgive my naitivity . . . Does that mean if we want to use derby rather
    > than hsqldb as our embedded DB of choice that we then need to be
    > certified or whatever?

    that's a really good question and I'll post it to legal-discuss.


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