Re: mvn build failure: missing com.atlassian.confluence:confluence-soap:jar:2.0

From: Andrus Adamchik (
Date: Mon Feb 26 2007 - 05:41:19 EST

  • Next message: Lasantha Ranaweera: "Re: Help Needed on Cayenne Geronimo Work"

    Done, please try again.


    On Feb 26, 2007, at 11:46 AM, Andrus Adamchik wrote:

    > That's coming from the ObjectStyle repo (a reference to which I
    > nuked a few days ago, as it was slowing the build). Let me readd it
    > to the docs module.
    > Andrus
    > On Feb 25, 2007, at 9:49 PM, Mike Kienenberger wrote:
    >> Just to show that I'm not being a complete whiner about this:
    >> I tried a new svn update.
    >> I tried "mvn -u"
    >> I tried "mvn -cpu"
    >> I tried "mvn -fae"
    >> I tried a google search for the missing dependency.
    >> I'm guessing the dependency I'm missing only affects the web site,
    >> but
    >> I can't figure out how to bypass it.
    >> On 2/25/07, Mike Kienenberger <> wrote:
    >>> Something broke. :-) This is a code checkout from last night
    >>> (EST).
    >>> Downloading:
    >>> axis-1.4.jar
    >>> 1562K downloaded
    >>> [INFO]
    >>> --------------------------------------------------------------------
    >>> ----
    >>> [INFO]
    >>> --------------------------------------------------------------------
    >>> ----
    >>> [INFO] Failed to resolve artifact.
    >>> Missing:
    >>> ----------
    >>> 1) com.atlassian.confluence:confluence-soap:jar:2.0
    >>> Try downloading the file manually from the project website.
    >>> Then, install it using the command:
    >>> mvn install:install-file -DgroupId=com.atlassian.confluence
    >>> -DartifactId=c
    >>> onfluence-soap \
    >>> -Dversion=2.0 -Dpackaging=jar -Dfile=/path/to/file
    >>> Path to dependency:
    >>> 1)
    >>> plugin:maven-plugi
    >>> n:3.0-SNAPSHOT
    >>> 2) com.atlassian.confluence:confluence-soap:jar:2.0
    >>> ----------
    >>> 1 required artifact is missing.
    >>> for artifact:
    >>> plugin:3.0-SNA
    >>> PSHOT
    >>> from the specified remote repositories:
    >>> central (,
    >>> apache-snapshots (
    >>> repository/)
    >>> [INFO]
    >>> --------------------------------------------------------------------
    >>> ----
    >>> [INFO] For more information, run Maven with the -e switch
    >>> [INFO]
    >>> --------------------------------------------------------------------
    >>> ----
    >>> [INFO] Total time: 1 minute 5 seconds
    >>> [INFO] Finished at: Sun Feb 25 13:58:47 EST 2007
    >>> [INFO] Final Memory: 8M/16M
    >>> [INFO]
    >>> --------------------------------------------------------------------
    >>> ----
    >>> On 2/25/07, Andrus Adamchik <> wrote:
    >>> > > As a maven-based project developer, I hate it :-)
    >>> >
    >>> > +1 - I am with you on that.
    >>> >
    >>> > > Everything takes much longer to build.
    >>> >
    >>> > Didn't notice that in Cayenne, but I won't be surprised - with Ant
    >>> > you can tailor the build much easier.
    >>> >
    >>> > > Nothing "just works" in Eclipse anymore.
    >>> >
    >>> > Eclipse works fine for Cayenne core modules. Itests often break,
    >>> > cause they are built against unstable versions of Geronimo,
    >>> OpenEjb
    >>> > and pieces of third party J2EE stack components. Good thing is
    >>> that
    >>> > you can work with individual modules as separate projects if
    >>> you have
    >>> > your local repo bootstrapped from command line first.
    >>> >
    >>> > > And when something breaks or needs changing, it's beyond my
    >>> skill-
    >>> > > set to
    >>> > > try to fix it.
    >>> >
    >>> > +1 - maven breaks A LOT and it is the most convoluted build
    >>> > environment that I know of.
    >>> >
    >>> > > Mind you, I haven't tried 3.0 recently because I fear maven,
    >>> so in
    >>> > > the specific case of Cayenne, I may be overreacting.
    >>> >
    >>> > You should - I put lots of work in making it bearable (such as
    >>> > setting Eclipse project files in SVN, etc). It works now.
    >>> >
    >>> > > I know some people may want to do me physical damage for
    >>> this, but
    >>> > > should we reconsider the maven choice?
    >>> >
    >>> > -1
    >>> >
    >>> > I take full responsibility for endorsing the move a year ago
    >>> when the
    >>> > idea was proposed - it was a mistake, and we paid for it. But
    >>> > currently we have an environment that works. We are still prone to
    >>> > maven "upgrades", but going back would be a bad idea as well.
    >>> Here is
    >>> > the benefits of Maven that we now enjoy between the sleepless
    >>> nights
    >>> > fixing the POMs:
    >>> >
    >>> > * We joined the club of gullible people who bought into the Maven
    >>> > hype (I thought such thing would never happen to me :-)), so
    >>> now we
    >>> > have a common (though crappy) platform for integration of the code
    >>> > from different projects up and down stream. I remember how much
    >>> pain
    >>> > it was to create Maven artifacts out of Ant Cayenne in the past.
    >>> >
    >>> > * Maven popularity leaves some (if not much) hope that it will be
    >>> > fixed someday. (OT: believe it or not, even WebObjects
    >>> developers are
    >>> > considering Maven these days!!!)
    >>> >
    >>> > * The project structure indeed became more organized than it
    >>> was before.
    >>> >
    >>> > * As the number of modules grows, the ability to build them one-
    >>> by-
    >>> > one becomes more important. You can do it with Maven, we
    >>> couldn't do
    >>> > it with the old Ant based system.
    >>> >
    >>> > Andrus
    >>> >
    >>> >
    >>> >
    >>> >
    >>> >

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