Re: Build performance

From: Andrus Adamchik (
Date: Tue Feb 27 2007 - 11:54:07 EST

  • Next message: Mike Kienenberger: "Re: Build performance"

    This is the timing with tests on my Mac Book:

    # mvn -o clean install

    [INFO] Cayenne ...............................................
    SUCCESS [1.764s]
    [INFO] Cayenne Internal Build Plugin .........................
    SUCCESS [2.835s]
    [INFO] Cayenne Build Tools Parent ............................
    SUCCESS [0.010s]
    [INFO] Cayenne License and Notice Bundle .....................
    SUCCESS [1.571s]
    [INFO] Cayenne Java 1.4 Unpublished ..........................
    SUCCESS [1:06.019s]
    [INFO] Cayenne Java 1.5 Unpublished ..........................
    SUCCESS [2.599s]
    [INFO] Cayenne JPA Unpublished ...............................
    SUCCESS [4.127s]
    [INFO] Cayenne Enhancer Bootstrap Agent ......................
    SUCCESS [0.434s]
    [INFO] Cayenne Aggregated Server Jar .........................
    SUCCESS [11.597s]
    [INFO] Cayenne Aggregated Client Jar .........................
    SUCCESS [20.264s]
    [INFO] Cayenne Modeler .......................................
    SUCCESS [6.840s]
    [INFO] Cayenne Maven Plugin ..................................
    SUCCESS [0.716s]
    [INFO] Cayenne Framework Aggregator Project ..................
    SUCCESS [0.011s]
    [INFO] Cayenne Integration Tests Parent ......................
    SUCCESS [0.019s]
    [INFO] Integration Tests Commons .............................
    SUCCESS [10.147s]
    [INFO] Integration Tests - POJO ..............................
    SUCCESS [10.912s]
    [INFO] Integration Tests - JPA Chapter 2 .....................
    SUCCESS [13.727s]
    [INFO] Integration Tests - JPA Chapter 3 .....................
    SUCCESS [8.330s]
    [INFO] Integration Tests - JPA Chapter 5 .....................
    SUCCESS [10.007s]
    [INFO] Integration Tests - JPA Chapter 9 .....................
    SUCCESS [11.619s]
    [INFO] Cayenne Modeler Java ..................................
    SUCCESS [21.130s]
    [INFO] Cayenne Modeler Parent ................................
    SUCCESS [0.046s]
    [INFO] Cayenne Documentation .................................
    SUCCESS [56.693s]
    [INFO] Cayenne Documenation Parent ...........................
    SUCCESS [0.029s]

    [INFO] Total time: 4 minutes 22 seconds

    On Feb 27, 2007, at 4:21 PM, Michael Gentry wrote:

    > ~/Projects/eclipse/workspace/Cayenne30> mvn -version
    > Maven version: 2.0.5
    > I'm not certain it is 2.0.5, since that is what I upgraded to a
    > week or so ago.
    > /dev/mrg
    > On 2/27/07, Mike Kienenberger <> wrote:
    >> I upgraded to Maven 2.0.5 recently on my laptop. I wonder if that's
    >> the issue. I'll give it a try with 2.0.1 again when I get a chance.
    >> I'll also see if mvn -o makes much of a difference -- I'm expecting
    >> that this is likely the largest problem.

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