Re: Using Eclipse with Mavenized Cayenne -

From: Andrus Adamchik (
Date: Wed Feb 28 2007 - 03:32:05 EST

  • Next message: Andrus Adamchik: "Re: [ANN] New committer - Aristedes Maniatis"

    Mike, I think you've already past this point, but let me still

    * Do not run "mvn eclipse:eclipse", as it is incompatible with the
    maven plugin. Besides we have .classpath and .project files in all
    projects that are being actively developed.
    * M2_REPO is not needed; Maven plugin uses
    'MAVEN2_CLASSPATH_CONTAINER' var that is already in .classpath.


    On Feb 28, 2007, at 5:53 AM, Mike Kienenberger wrote:

    > Looks like M2_REPO in Ecilpse also has to be defined. Probably
    > something like this, although the exact location will vary. In
    > Eclipse 3.1, it's done by going to windows -> preferences -> java ->
    > build path -> classpath variables, then clicking New and entering the
    > following values:
    > Name: M2_REPO
    > Path: C:/m2/repository
    > On 2/27/07, Mike Kienenberger <> wrote:
    >> Using Eclipse with Mavenized Cayenne -
    >> eclipse.html
    >> Unfortunately this page needs some details.
    >> ==========================
    >> # Get code from Subversion and build it from command line to seed the
    >> local repository.
    >> # Create two workspaces - one for JDK 1.4 and one for 1.5 code.
    >> ==========================
    >> I'm guessing from my MyFaces maven experience that the checkout
    >> directory must be external to the workspaces created. There should
    >> probably be more explicit instructions on how to import the projects,
    >> and I suspect that "mvn eclipse:eclipse" has to be executed
    >> beforehand. You might be able to crib notes from
    >> (The first paragraph now
    >> seems out of place with the original document, so you'll want to sort
    >> through it).
    >> ==========================
    >> # Most Maven modules that contain source code include Eclipse project
    >> files, so they can be imported in a corresponding workspace,
    >> depending
    >> on the required JDK compliance level. You don't have to import all
    >> modules, only those that you are planning to work on, as the projects
    >> do not have Eclipse-level dependencies on each other (dependencies
    >> are
    >> resolved via Maven).
    >> ==========================
    >> It's also unclear which modules should be imported into which
    >> workspace.

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