Re: Caynne with Geronimo NPE

From: Andrus Adamchik (
Date: Wed Feb 28 2007 - 03:44:38 EST

  • Next message: Andrus Adamchik: "Re: Using Eclipse with Mavenized Cayenne -"

    > May be you can participate the discussions too. ;)

    I will at least watch it - I am on Geronimo dev list.


    On Feb 27, 2007, at 6:54 PM, Lasantha Ranaweera wrote:

    > Thanks Andrus for your explanation... I will investigate this more
    > bit &
    > create a patch pretty soon. We will try to get some help from Geronimo
    > side too. May be you can participate the discussions too. ;)
    > Thanks,
    > Lasantha
    >> On Feb 27, 2007, at 4:37 PM, Lasantha Ranaweera wrote:
    >>> BTW as a solution I changed the given lines in EntityMapLoader
    >>> class, then
    >>> it goes bit further and failed in Visitor classes again.
    >>> ClassLoader loader = context.getTempClassLoader(); //caynne
    >>> existing one
    >>> ClassLoader loader = persistenceUnit.getClassLoader(); //my
    >>> soultion since
    >> We can't use the unit main ClassLoader at the point of loading the
    >> annotations, as annotations processing predates class enhancement,
    >> and we can't pollute the main class loader with unenhanced classes.
    >>> Caused by: java.lang.NullPointerException
    >>> at
    >>> org.apache.cayenne.jpa.conf.ClassAnnotationProcessorFactory
    >>> $EntityProcessor.onStartElement
    >>> (
    >>> at
    >>> org.apache.cayenne.jpa.conf.EntityMapAnnotationLoader.loadClassMappi
    >>> ng
    >>> (
    >>> at
    >>> org.apache.cayenne.jpa.conf.EntityMapLoader.loadFromAnnotations
    >>> (
    >>> at
    >>> org.apache.cayenne.jpa.conf.EntityMapLoader.loadEntityMap
    >>> (
    >>> ... 28 more
    >> I assume there is a line mismatch, and the NPE is really at line 84,
    >> so "element.getAnnotation(Entity.class)" returns null:
    >> public void onStartElement(
    >> AnnotatedElement element,
    >> AnnotationProcessorStack context) {
    >> Entity entityAnnotation = element.getAnnotation
    >> (Entity.class);
    >> JpaEntity entity = new JpaEntity();
    >> entity.setClassName(((Class) element).getName());
    >> entity.setAttributes(new JpaAttributes());
    >> if (!Util.isEmptyString(
    >> { // LINE 84
    >> entity.setName(
    >> ()); // LINE 85
    >> }
    >> context.push(entity);
    >> }
    >> OpenEJB TemporaryClassLoader has this code that I suspect may causes
    >> this error?? (I can't confirm it - it works in my OpenEJB integration
    >> test environment):
    >> // Annotation classes must be loaded by the normal
    >> classloader
    >> if (isAnnotationClass(bytes)) {
    >> return Class.forName(name, resolve, getClass
    >> ().getClassLoader());
    >> }
    >> While the bug may still be on Cayenne end, I wonder if Dain or
    >> somebody else from Geronimo can comment on this?
    >> Andrus

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