Re: Using Eclipse with Mavenized Cayenne -

From: Andrus Adamchik (
Date: Wed Feb 28 2007 - 04:01:03 EST

  • Next message: Aristedes Maniatis: "Re: [ANN] New committer - Aristedes Maniatis"

    On Feb 28, 2007, at 7:07 AM, Mike Kienenberger wrote:

    > I started a jdk15 workspace and imported everything. 325 errors.
    > Closing cayenne-regression-profiler dropped it down to 129. I don't
    > think this code is currently maintained, is it?

    yes, you probably shouldn't import this project.

    > Closing cayenne-tutorial, cayenne-rop-client-tutorial,
    > cayenne-rop-server-tutorial dropped it to 116. Looks like these are
    > missing jar files.

    Same for the tutorials (unless you want to work on them).

    > The remaining errors all deal with EJBQL, specifically in
    > cayenne-jdk1.4-unpublished/target/generated-sources in a default
    > package.
    > Looks like an svn update is going to deal with this. Trying a root
    > mvn clean install. Nope, made it worse -- now at 124 errors.

    Sometimes doing right-click "Maven -> Update Sources", and then a
    full clean inside Eclipse helps to reset the errors in IDE.


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