Re: Modelling improvements: inheritance + interfacing (Draft)

From: Mike Kienenberger (
Date: Wed May 30 2007 - 11:20:35 EDT

  • Next message: Kevin Menard: "RE: Abstract Entities [Was: Modelling improvements: inheritance + interfacing (Draft)]"

    I don't understand your question.

    Let me explain what I do -- maybe it will clear things up.

    Instead of the typical and classes, I create -- class -- class -- interface -- interface

    On 5/30/07, Lachlan Deck <> wrote:
    > On 30/05/2007, at 1:37 AM, Mike Kienenberger wrote:
    > > For what it's worth, I have Cayenne templates that generate
    > > interfaces (and pseudo-vertical inheritance).
    > How do you determine what those interfaces are and for which entities?
    > > It's messy to try to do this all purely in velocity, so it's partly
    > > written as a velocity tool helper class.
    > yep, sounds that way.
    > The aim of all of this work would be to provide more formal
    > approaches to modelling inheritance than currently exist for Cayenne.
    > with regards,
    > --
    > Lachlan Deck

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