Re: Modeling Interfaces [Was: Modelling improvements: inheritance + interfacing (Draft)]

From: Lachlan Deck (
Date: Wed May 30 2007 - 16:18:41 EDT

  • Next message: Lachlan Deck: "Re: Modeling Interfaces [Was: Modelling improvements: inheritance + interfacing (Draft)]"

    On 30/05/2007, at 7:32 PM, Aristedes Maniatis wrote:

    > On 30/05/2007, at 7:16 PM, Andrus Adamchik wrote:
    >> What I am concerned about with DbEntity interfaces is that
    >> DbEntities model database tables and there is no interface concept
    >> in DB world. So I still don't understand why we need DbEntity
    >> inheritance? Could you please elaborate or give some examples?
    >> The only use I can see for it is a *coincidental* match between
    >> groups of attributes in multiple tables. So is it worth
    >> complicating the mapping by introducing a concept with no analog
    >> in the DB world? My suspicion is that it will be very hard to
    >> explain to the users.
    > Perhaps 'interface' is just the wrong word. The idea is similar to
    > the WO prototype idea and the most common example is 'money'

    No. This is not an attribute prototyping schema. The EOF EO[Adaptor]
    Prototypes is more akin to the embeddables concept.

    I'm specifically talking about interfaces which is the definition of
    a protocol that an entity adheres to. Prototypes, in contrast, are
    aimed towards prototyping individual attributes.

    with regards,


    Lachlan Deck

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