Re: vertical inheritance joins

From: Andrus Adamchik (
Date: Fri Jun 01 2007 - 05:32:58 EDT

  • Next message: Andrus Adamchik: "Re: Abstract Entities [Was: Modelling improvements: inheritance + interfacing (Draft)]"

    This was a long thread, and I may have missed some points already
    made. Let me try to summarize this discussion and add my comments to
    it. There are two aspects of the "vertical inheritance relationship":

    1. Specifying the join semantics for non-trivial PK-to-PK mapping
    (such as compound keys).
    2. Specifying delete rules.

    I am with Ari on (1) - it is in the Cayenne philosophy to map things
    explicitly, so that various weird legacy schemas can still be mapped.
    I am with Craig on (2) - if a user expects to delete a record from a
    subclass table without deleting a record in a superclass table, this
    situation should not be mapped as inheritance, as it breaks the ORM
    model at a fundamental level (an object is deleted, but some of its
    properties still remain persistent - BAD).

    With this in mind we do not need an inheritance ObjRelationship, but
    we may use a DbRelationship to store join semantics (anybody
    mentioned that already??). Another nice side effect of it is that
    such relationship is not a part of the object model (ObjRelationship
    would've been an object property). So there is nothing artificial
    about such mapping, and no new concepts are needed in Cayenne to map it.


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