Re: [VOTE] Cayenne Release 3.0M1

From: Michael Gentry (
Date: Thu Jul 26 2007 - 14:30:45 EDT

  • Next message: Michael Gentry: "Re: [VOTE] Cayenne Release 3.0M1"

    OK, I finally was able to try to migrate my old 1.2.x project to 3.0.
    After some missing jar (log4j, common collections, etc) issues and
    renaming all of my packages from objectstyle to apache, I was able to
    launch the application but it doesn't work. A good portion of my
    application depends on fetchFinished() being called. Yes, I know
    fetchFinished() is deprecated and the implementation in
    CayenneDataObject still exists (and still does nothing), but it
    appears the code to actually call it when the fetch is finished has
    been removed, so I get lots of NULL objects (I resolve a lot of things
    after a 'notification' object is read in). If fetchFinished() is
    deprecated, shouldn't it still be called?



    PS. It did a lot of nice-looking SQL before failing, though. :-)

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