Re: [CONFIRMED] Re: Maven again and again :( !

From: Andrus Adamchik (
Date: Wed Oct 24 2007 - 04:05:43 EDT

  • Next message: Andrus Adamchik: "Re: [JIRA] Created: (CAY-900) Create CayenneModeler Swing UI for managing callbacks and lifecycle listeners"

    On Oct 24, 2007, at 5:18 AM, Kevin Menard wrote:

    > On 10/23/07 8:01 PM, "Aristedes Maniatis" <> wrote:
    >> On 23/10/2007, at 9:39 PM, Andrus Adamchik wrote:
    >>> (we need to go through all plugins in the poms and preset the
    >>> versions I guess)
    >> Except for the fix to the ROP tutorial where the problem was that we
    >> were presetting the version and that version was no longer available
    >> in the official repository.
    >> It is starting to feel like it would be just easier to commit all the
    >> libraries we depend on to the Cayenne svn....

    That would also require us to switch from Maven to Ant (I am already
    preparing for the cheering applause to this proposition ... and
    having to defend an unpopular Maven build system, as I would most
    likely end up being the person tasked with yet another switch :-/)

    > An alternative, but along the same lines, would be to set up our
    > own maven
    > repository. It sorta defeats the whole purpose, but if they're
    > going to
    > purge old versions, seems we may not have a choice. Otherwise, how
    > can
    > anyone grab the code from any tag and just build it?
    > I think this is actually the ultimate stance of the maven folks,
    > too. If
    > you require that sort of reliability, you should be running a
    > private repo.
    > Not much of a sales pitch though.

    +1. I can offer web server for that since we are
    already using it for dependencies that haven't been officially
    mavenized by their authors, and since hosting third party packages on
    ASF infrastructure could be a bad idea.

    BTW, maybe we should raise a question of pros and cons of a non-
    offical repo for ASF projects on the infra (or maybe maven?) list.
    Could get some advice straight from the source.

    > Ari, do you know if this is common practice? I can see purging
    > SNAPSHOTs,
    > but anything else seems foolish.

    Yep - totally insane.


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