Re: [JIRA] Commented: (CAY-922) Convert non-type-safe enums to Java 5 enums

From: Kevin Menard (
Date: Tue Nov 27 2007 - 12:37:47 EST

  • Next message: Andrus Adamchik: "Re: [JIRA] Commented: (CAY-922) Convert non-type-safe enums to Java 5 enums"

    I'm not sure that our users are looking for more time. While certainly
    there are benefits by Cayenne's internals switching to Java 5, such as the
    use of the new concurrent API, I'd imagine for a lot of users the benefit of
    the move is the use of generics, enums, etc. Taking the PersistenceState
    for example . . . As an enum, this would save me a lot of development time.
    I can't count how many times I've looked at an object in a debugger and
    wasn't clear on the static int value for the persistence state and didn't
    want to have to keep typing persistenceStateName() to find out.

    I've also run across code where things get casted to the wrong type and the
    modified newObject() takes care of that problem.

    Anyway, the picture I'm trying to paint is that the code modifications
    necessary are minimal in comparison to the time that could be saved by
    making them. This is the feeling I was getting off the user list as well.
    Without going too far out on a limb, either, I'd imagine many are using the
    milestones as a migratory period as well.

    On 11/27/07 12:20 PM, "Andrus Adamchik" <> wrote:

    > On Nov 27, 2007, at 7:05 PM, Kevin Menard wrote:
    >> While we could use enums internally and preserve the int based API for
    >> client use, it seems to be of dubious value. We could deprecate it
    >> now I
    >> suppose, but introducing a new alternative to PersistenceState, that
    >> encodes
    >> the same info, just in a nicer manner, doesn't appear to gain us much.
    > It gives the users more time (maybe a year, maybe more) to migrate
    > their code and a clear indication of what will be changed.
    >> FWIW, the change to performQuery to return List<?> broke more of my
    >> code
    >> than the enum changes would.
    > That's a good one... Impact of generics conversion on backwards
    > compatibility is not fully clear to me just yet. There is a
    > possibility that we may need to undo some of what we've done with it.
    > Andrus

    Kevin Menard
    Servprise International, Inc.
    Remote reboot & power control for network equipment              +1 508.892.3823 x308

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