Re: svn commit: r605850 - in /cayenne/main/trunk/framework/cayenne-jdk1.5-unpublished/src/main/java/org/apache/cayenne: ./ access/ access/jdbc/ access/types/ dba/ dba/openbase/ dba/oracle/ dba/sqlite/ dba/sqlserver/ exp/parser/ query/ reflect/ util/ wocompat/

From: Tore Halset (
Date: Thu Dec 20 2007 - 07:06:42 EST

  • Next message: Kevin Menard: "Re: svn commit: r605850 - in /cayenne/main/trunk/framework/cayenne-jdk1.5-unpublished/src/main/java/org/ apache/cayenne: ./ access/ access/jdbc/ access/types/ dba/ dba/openbase/ dba/oracle/ dba/sqlite/ dba/sqlserver/ exp/parser/ query/ reflect/ util/ wocompat/"


    (sorry if this show up several times. looks like I have some unstable
    mail today..)

    On Dec 20, 2007, at 10:47 , Aristedes Maniatis wrote:

    > On 20/12/2007, at 8:44 PM, wrote:
    >> java 5: new Integer(int) -> Integer.valueOf(int)
    > Or we could start to use autoboxing and just use "int" where
    > appropriate. Is valueOf recommended over new Integer() for speed or
    > other reasons in Java 5?

    I am currently -1 to autoboxing, but Integer.valueOf(int) should not
    be a problem for anyone.

     From javadoc:
    "Returns a Integer instance representing the specified int value. If a
    new Integer instance is not required, this method should generally be
    used in preference to the constructor Integer(int), as this method is
    likely to yield significantly better space and time performance by
    caching frequently requested values."

    - Tore.

    This archive was generated by hypermail 2.0.0 : Thu Dec 20 2007 - 07:07:20 EST