Complex SELECT request error

From: Steve Troudart (
Date: Wed Jan 02 2008 - 09:30:05 EST

  • Next message: Andrus Adamchik: "Re: Complex SELECT request error"

    Hello, (and Happy new year)
    I'm new to Cayenne.
    I have to use some raw SQL in a part of my application.
    In WebObjects i used the EOUtilies.rawrowsforSQL method.

    In Cayenne, there is the SQLTemplate to use raw SQL but it seems
    that it doesn't work well on complex SQL requests.

    I tried a SELECT command like :
    and there is a problem.
    The DataObject does not retrieve his ID (it's normal because it's not
    possible to map it) but the DataRow seems to be correct).

    Is it possible to have a collection of DataRows in an HashMap,
    instead of a collection of DataObjects?

    I made a SQL request so you can see what i'm saying.

    SELECT DISTINCT a.idtable newidTable, idColumn FROM TABLE a

    Null value for 'IDTABLE'. Snapshot: org.apache.cayenne.DataRo..48081
    [values={IDCOLUMN=86008, NEWIDTABLE=9687},
    version=-9223372036854775807, replaces=-9223372036854775808]. Prefix:

    Thanks for your help

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